Welcome to the Pure Rail Members Area, this area is dedicated to YOU!
We have set aside this space to compile industry resources to help you to make your job easier and ultimately SAFER.
NCCN Board numbers – updated 13/08/2022
Sydney Trains signal box numbers
Contractor Safety Critical Health Assessment Request and Report Form– TFNSW
ARTC managed area
ARTC Notices, Waivers and Alerts
ARTC induction page (including HBT)
Track Certification Form – Track Geometry Defects
Network Information Books
Route Access Standards (RAS)
Train Alteration Advice (TAA) list
ARTC network rules & procedures
COR-PR-029 Pre-Work Brief and Worksite Protection Plan Procedure
Pre Work Brief Instructions RLS-PR-005
Protocol for Entering the Rail Corridor (RLS-PR-003)
Track Maintenance Vehicle Data (please note General Instructions on page 1)
ARTC KM2ME Iphone App (Android App available via App store)
ARTC TOA effective 23rd February 2020 – ANRF 002 B TOA form V 2.1
ARTC TOA effective 23rd February 2020 – ANRF 002 C TOA form V 1.0
(IBA) Infrastructure Booking Advice Form
WPP book – hard copy
Sighting Distance Calculator
(CAN) Condition Affecting the Network Form
FORM – ARTC Safe-Working-Observations-v2
Here is a link to ARTC’s Fatal and Severe Risks and Life Saving behaviours page
Here you will find the Fatal-Risk-Booklet and the Life-Saving-Rule-Pocket-Card plus many more informative tools.
John Holland
UGLRL – CRN Managed Area
UGLRL – CRN Network Access
UGLRL – CRN Network Operations
UGLRL – CRN Network Local Appendices – CNLA
UGLRL – CRN Train Operating Conditions Manual
UGLRL – CRN Printable Network Forms
UGLRL – CRN Network Rules, Procedures and Forms
Alternative Train Order PO Presentation
Siding-Protection Presentation
ETW PDF Workbook
ETW Application Introduction
ETW Application Full Presentation
ETW V presentation
All UGLRL CRN safeworking roles require a UGLRL certificate of competency or recertification.
UGLRL is currently engaging with RTO’s to update and validate training and certification material including gap training for protection officers with qualifications for other networks.
Apply for UGLRL CRN Protection Officer Network Activation:
Once all inductions and briefings have been completed, and the required details have been uploaded and validated in your RIW profile please send an email to riw.inquiries@uglregionallinx.com.au requesting activation.
At this time an RIW check will be performed to ensure all UGLRL requirements have been met, and there are no blocks or restrictions applied to your RIW profile. You will be advised by email when the activation is complete and a username and password will be issued for the electronic work on track application.
Sydney Trains managed area
Railsafe website
Safeworking Rules
Safeworking Procedures
Safeworking Forms
Track maps
PO documents
Work Outside Danger Zone TFNSW WPP
NRF 014 Worksite Protection Pre-work Briefing Form V6.0 fillable
NRF 015A Worksite Protection Plan Form V6.0 fillable
NRF 015B Worksite Protection Plan (LW) Form V6.0 fillable
NRF 015C Worksite Protection Plan (ASB) Form V3.0 fillable
NRF 015D Worksite Protection Plan (TWA and SKS) Form V1.0 fillable
QMS_FO_04_v3.1_RTO_Enrolment_Form – Contractors
Other On-line inductions
Downer Mandatory Induction
John Holland Rail Inductions (NSW)
MSDS for the audible track warning devices from Howard & Sons. Additionally, we have a short presentation from Safe Work Australia on GHS-Training-Part-1-Introduction
Below, we have some photographs submitted from our safe workers.
Please feel free to send your photos in with your timesheets, we’d love to see them!
Some photos taken by Tyler Williams of The Hunter Valley Steamfest 2023.
More photos from Tyler Williams
some photos from Jim McBeath
Two beautiful shots submitted by Andrew Gower
(Thanks Andrew!!!)
After praying for rain mother nature certainly delivered…
Picture taken at Narrabri, NSW 08 FEB 2020.
Below, Some photos from Anthony Burraston.
Below, some photos from Peter Lee.

The below photos were taken by a Pure Rail employee whilst holidaying in China recently.
High-speed rail (HSR) in China consists of a network of passenger-dedicated railways designed for speeds of 250–350 km/h (155–217 mph).
However this train was recorded at doing 431km/hr (WOW, right???)
It is the world’s longest high speed railway network, and is also the most extensively used.
Below, another shot submitted by Peter Lee. Great Shot Pete (Keep them coming!!!)
We would love to see any shots you take. Send them through with your timesheets for consideration.
If you have anything you would like to see here, please email it to admin@purerail.com.au for consideration by our editors.